May 26, 2016 (Day 11)

We had one of the coldest nights any of us had ever spent in the Baja desert. We woke to significant dew and it was still windy. While trying to get warm, we had a sluggish morning getting our things in order and heading off to San Quintin.

We stopped in Catavina to film the arroyo and a stand of palm trees. We found a natural tinaja (or water tank). The water was low and full of green slime, most likely due to the frequent deposits of cattle feces and urine.

The sandy wash of a dried riverbed in Catavina's arroyo.

We stopped a few times to get some footage of the natural surroundings and events. Hector is somewhat of a legend in this part of the peninsula. He lost his life on this road and a magnificent shrine memorializes him. We also found a number of Nelson’s century plants in full bloom.

Hector's shrine in Catavina. 

Nelson's century plant in full bloom. 

We landed at The Old Mill Restaurant and Hotel on the bay of San Quintin. The wind is blowing hard again tonight and may be an issue in the morning. But as JT’s friend Mark Watson says, “When life gives you wind, just fly kites and drink margaritas.” I think we need to go and build a few kites!

On to Isla San Martin in the morning.